September 3, 2014

Mid-Week Chat 9/3/14

Hi, everybody! So at the start of this week was Labor day. I know for a lot of kids, this week is their first week of school. For those families, I wish you a great week! For my kiddos, this is the second week.

So far this week has pretty uneventful school wise. The boys have brought home a form or two for me to fill out. But other than that, not really anything exciting. Which is good for my boys! 
This coming up Saturday, my middle son,Zach's school is having a kickball play day. He is really excited about it. The great thing about this event is that it's for the whole family and has free food! Can't shake a stick at that!!

I worked 2 days already this week. I'm hoping to work 2 more, Thursday and Friday. Busy, Busy, Busy! So I made a commitment that so far I haven't kept. I committed to making a DIY video last week. So far I haven't followed through. I'm sorry for that. I don't know when I'll have the time to make it. But I promise to try and make it soon.



  1. Time goes by fast. If people can not be patient for your DIY then pray fogger them.


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